1 introduction, 1.1 download and install unsigned activex controls, Local intranet settings in internet explorer – Innotech eServer User Manual

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eServer Setup and Site Installation Instructions

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© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2009

Edition 5.0 dated 07/01/2014

5-1 Introduction

This section provides general troubleshooting tips for some of the common problems that may

be encountered during the eServer setup and configuration process. Please contact your IT

department, or nearest Innotech office for further information.

5-1.1 Download and Install Unsigned ActiveX Controls

If the host computer running the eServer software and the client computer are on an isolated

intranet without internet access, the eServer client computer will not be able to download and install

the eServerNativeClient and ActiveX control from the host computer. Therefore you will have to

configure Internet Explorer so that it can download and install unsigned ActiveX controls. You can do

this by following the steps below.

Open Internet Options in Internet Explorer and click on Tools Internet Options. From the Security

tab in the Internet Options window, click on Local intranet and then click on Custom level... as

illustrated below in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1:  Local Intranet Settings in Internet Explorer

Always consult with the Site IT Administrator for any special requirements needed for a particular IT network
