Inter-Tel CS-5400 User Manual

Page 304

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Voice Processing Features



CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005

Page 286

Level 1

the administrator’s E-mail Address instead of to the sender of the Voice Mail message. The
user should forward the message or send a new message instead of replying. In Levels 2 and 3,
the user can reply to any message from another mailbox, using the Outlook/Exchange “Reply”
or “Reply to All” options.

E-mail messages containing .wav files can be forwarded to other e-mail addresses or stored
on the computer’s local drive, just like any other e-mail message. Or, the .wav file can be
detached from the message and stored on the computer.

To use Level 1 Unified Messaging, the customer must have an existing e-mail system based on
Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI), Vendor Independent Messaging (VIM),
or Simple Mail Transport Protocol/Post Office Protocol (SMTP/POP3).

The following list shows the e-mail systems that are supported, and the protocols on which
they are based:

Microsoft Mail or Microsoft Outlook/Exchange (MAPI)

cc: Mail or Lotus Notes (VIM)

Internet mail (SMTP/POP3)

For complete instructions on using Unified Messaging, refer to the Unified Messaging User
, part number 550.8111.

The e-mail message sent by the Voice Mail will have the following components:

To: The TO line will contain the recipient’s e-mail address.

From: The FROM line will contain the e-mail address of the voice processing system.
If an E-Mail Real Name has been programmed for the voice processing system, it will
also be shown on this line.

Subject: The SUBJECT line will contain the line “ Message for
MB from .” If the message is marked priority, the subject line will
be preceded by the word “PRIORITY.” The source of the Voice Mail message will
appear as one of the following:



the Voice Mail system

an unknown caller

an outside caller at

If the message is from an extension ID or a mailbox, the programmed username will be
shown inside parentheses after the number. For example: mailbox 1000 (ADMIN).

Received on: The RECEIVED ON line contains the date and time that the Voice Mail
was received by the mailbox.

Priority, Private, or Certified: If the Voice Mail message was sent with a delivery
option, the body will contain the line “Message marked TIFIED>.” Note that this is for informational purposes only and does not affect the e-
mail message itself. For example, if a Voice Mail message is marked for certified deliv-
ery, the sender will receive a confirmation when the recipient listens to the Voice Mail
message using the mailbox. However, the sender will not receive confirmation when the
recipient reads the e-mail.


file attachment: The .wav file attachment will appear as a file with the name


. To listen to the message, the user must play the .wav file using multimedia

software (such as Sound Recorder).

This manual is related to the following products: