Red and green leds – Inter-Tel CS-5400 User Manual
Page 123

Hardware and Endpoints
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Executive and Professional Display Speakerphones
Page 105
*The LED changing color condition only applies to Inter-Tel digital phones equipped with
LEDs that can light red or green in accordance with the way the buttons are programmed.
Red and Green LEDs
Inter-Tel Models 8500, 8520, and 8560 digital phones; Executive, Professional, Standard, and
Associate Display phones; and, Basic Digital phones have red and green LEDs in the button
lamps. When both colors are used, a green lamp generally indicates that the call is active, ring-
ing, or holding at a station. (see below for a possible exception for direct ring-in calls). When
the lamp is red, the call is active, ringing, or holding at another station. Trunk access, allowed-
answer permission, and the feature being used (for example, System Hold or Call Transfer)
determine whether you can pick up a (red) call from another station.
Two system-wide database programming options control these LEDs.
Allow Green LEDs: This flag gives the installer the option of having all red/green
phones and red-only phones operate the same, or allowing the red/green phones to use
the green LEDs. If this flag is enabled, the dual-color phones will use both the red and
green LEDs. If it is disabled, the phones will operate in red-only mode, like the phones
without green LEDs. In the default state, the flag is disabled.
Sp e a k e r -
phone is on
or ready for
u s e . O r,
station pro-
g r a m m i n g
i s i n
p r o g r e s s .
(Red LED)
St a t i o n i s
b u s y o r
(Red LED)
Station is in
t u r b . ( R e d
Station has
a call ring-
ing in. (Red
flutter indi-
c a t e s t h a t
the station
was left off-
hook. (Red
Trunk is in
use at an-
o t h e r s t a -
t i o n , i n a
c o n f e r -
e n c e a t
y o u r s t a -
tion, or is
(Red LED)
Trunk is in
use at your
s t a t i o n .
( G r e e n
Tr u n k i s
r e c a l l i n g
from hold or
t r a n s f e r.
(Red LED)
Tr u n k i s
ringing in or
camped on
( w a i t i n g ) .
(Red LED if
on another
s t a t i o n o r
gr een if at
y o u r s t a -
O r, b u s y
trunk queue
callback to
your station
( G r e e n
Trunk is on
h o l d . ( R e d
L E D i f o n
another sta-
tion or green
i f a t y o u r
Table 16.
Inter-Tel Digital Phone LED Flash Rates(Continued)
30 IPM
120 IPM
240 IPM
60/960 IPM