HP E1459A User Manual

Page 97

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HP E1459A Register Definitions

1650 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"DIAG:INT:ACT ON"
1660 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"*OPC?"
1670 ENTER Vxi_address;Done
1680 !
1690 ENABLE INTR 7;2
1695 ! int enabled, select port 0
1700 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,4,32"
1710 !
1730 END

DAV Interrupt Example

This example is coded in HP RMB for a System 9000 (Series 300) linked to
a E1406 Command Module via HPIB. The example enables all four channel
ports to capture channel data (and generate an interrupt) on the occurrance
of an external capture clock at a corresponding port. When idle, the program
will loop and continuously display the DAV STATUS REGISTER. On
interrupt, the DAV STATUS REGISTER and all four port DATA
REGISTERS are displayed.

80 DIM A$[40]
90 Vxi_address=70900
100 !
110 CLEAR 7
120 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"*RST;*CLS"

! reset E1406

130 !
150 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"SYST:ERR?"
160 ENTER Vxi_address;Error
170 PRINT "E1406 Reports Error: ";Error
180 UNTIL (Error=0)
190 !
200 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,4,1"

! reset E1459A

210 WAIT .1
220 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,4,0"

! un-reset E1459A

230 WAIT .1
240 !
245 ! dav enable, ext clk, port 0
250 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,16,6"
255 ! mask off all 16 pos bits for port 0
260 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,24,0"
265 ! mask off all 16 neg bits for port 0
270 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,26,0"
280 !
285 ! dav enable, ext clk, port 1
290 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,32,6"
295 ! mask off all 16 pos bits for port 1
300 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,36,0"
305 ! mask off all 16 neg bits for port 1
310 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,38,0"
320 !
325 ! set debounce to 16 uS (250 KHz) for ports 0/1
330 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,30,2"
340 !
345 ! E1459A ints disabled, port 2/3 select
350 OUTPUT Vxi_address;"VXI:WRITE 128,4,16"
360 !

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