HP 441877-00F User Manual

Page 35

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Configuration and diagnostics 35

Return Code





Fail to program iSCSI boot image

HP NC-Series Broadcom Multifunction adapter diagnostics


Boot to DOS or the EFI shell.


From the DOS prompt navigate to the \APPS\DIAGS\MFDIAG directory.


Type XDIAG and press the Enter key. The diagnostic tests run automatically.

About the XDIAG.exe diagnostic tests
The xdiag.exe diagnostic tests are divided into four groups: Group A: Register tests; Group B: Memory

tests; Group C: Block tests; an Group D: Miscellaneous tests.
Group A: Register tests

A1. Register test
This tests the chip registers, accessible through PCI/PCI-E bus, for their read-only and read/write
attributes. Some critical registers are not tested as the system and/or the chip becomes unstable

when the values change.

A2. PCI configuration test
This test checks the functionality of the BAR size configuration by examining the BAR value as the
BAR size varies.

A3. Interrupt test
This test checks to see if the system (OS) receives the interrupt artificially generated by the chip and if
the software ISR is properly invoked.

Not used

A5. MSI test
This test checks for the correct behavior of the MSI, making sure no interrupt is generated other than

the message. It also runs the negative test to make sure no message is generated when interrupt is
masked off.

A6. Memory BIST
This tests all memory modules inside the chip using Built-In-Self-Test (BIST).

A7. Network link test
This tests the external link connection. For the fiber medium, this is simply another external loopback
test. For the copper medium, this is not applicable.

Group B: Memory tests
Various patterns (0x55aa55aa, 0xaa55aa55, & address) are used to test each of the memory blocks.

B1. TXP scratchpad

B2. TPAT scratchpad

B3. RXP scratchpad

B4. COM scratchpad