Eagle Electronics II User Manual
Page 38

course or “zoom out”
to see your starting
position, present po-
sition, track, course,
and destination.
NOTE: An easier
way to change the
plotter's range is to
simply press the ZIN
key to "zoom-in" or
the ZOUT key to
To clear or erase the solid track line from the screen,
use the Clear Plot menu selection. The plotter will
continue to draw your track after the F2 key is pressed,
starting from your present position.
The AccuNav Sport™ can save up to five (5) plotter
trails. Saving plot trails makes it easier to follow an old
path to a destination. Simply save your current trail, then
recall it later to use as a guide. Every time you turn the
AccuNav Sport™ off, it saves your current trail on the
screen. To save it un-
der a number that you
can recall later, first
press the MENU key
while the plotter is dis-
played. Now press the
F3 key. The menu
shown at right ap-
pears. Now press the
key next to the desired
trail number. For ex-
ample, if you wish to