Eagle Electronics II User Manual
Page 24

This is the GPS setup screen. The settings now in use
are shown at the top of the display. If you’re using the
unit for the first time, these settings are probably wrong
for your position and time. To change any of the num-
bers on this display, first press an up or down arrow key
to move the black box to the desired label. For example,
to change the local
time, press the down
arrow key until the
black box is on the
press the F6 key,
then enter your time
using the numbered
To change the position shown on the AccuNav Sport's
display, first determine your approximate position. Use
a chart or call your local airport to determine your
position if you don’t know it. The latitude/longitude that
you enter doesn’t have to be extremely accurate. Typi-
cally, if you enter a position within a few degrees of your
present position, the AccuNav Sport™ should quickly
find your actual latitude/longitude. To change your
present position, first move the black box to the LATI-
TUDE display, then press the F6 key to change it. The
screen shown at right appears. Use the down arrow key
to change the “N” to “S”, if necessary. Next, simply enter
your present latitude using the numbered keys. Notice
that the position entered is in degrees, minutes, and
hundredths of a minute. (Not seconds!) If you make a
mistake, press the left or right arrow keys to move to the
number in the latitude that needs changing. After the