ProSoft Technology MVI69-FLN User Manual
Page 59
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MVI69-FLN ♦ CompactLogix Platform
FA Control Network Communication Module
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 59 of 137
November 3, 2008
Checking the Participating Node Status
To retrieve the participation node status, the processor must request special
block 2000 (Participation Table Request) from the module. This special block
transfer request allows the processor to retrieve status information for each
participating node. Status registers include:
upper layer status (ULS)
allowable minimum frame interval time (MFT)
allowable refresh cycle time (RCT)
Area 1 (A1) and Area 2 (A2) settings
token watchdog time (TW).
Each block can retrieve status for up to 10 participating nodes. The user
application must initially select the number of nodes to retrieve (up to 10) and the
first node address to retrieve.
For example, to retrieve the status for participating node address 10 (1 node
only), set the controller tags as shown in the following illustrations:
Next, trigger the Participation Table Request block (block 2000). To do this, set
the FLNETMODULE.CONTROL.GetParticipation bit to 1. The following rung in
the sample ladder WriteData routine performs the request to the module. The
FLNETMODULE.CONTROL.GetParticipation bit is automatically cleared after the
response is received from the module.