Glossary – ProSoft Technology MVI69-FLN User Manual

Page 126

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MVI69-FLN ♦ CompactLogix Platform


FA Control Network Communication Module

Page 126 of 137

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

November 3, 2008

3.10 Glossary

Term Definition


At communication by message transmission, the data receiving
side notifies the transmitting side that the data has been received.
This is used only for 1:1 message transmission.

Allowable minimum frame

This is the minimum value of frame interval that allows a node to
receive a frame.

Allowable refresh cycle time

This time is used for a node to judge whether message
transmission should be performed or not.

Bit area

This means a 1K-byte area in the common memory.

Common memory

A function that permits using a memory in common between nodes
under cyclic transmission is provided.

Cyclic transmission

This function supports cyclic data exchange that occurs between


The physical layer and data link layer of the FA link protocol are

FA network

This is an abbreviation of the FA control network.

Joining token detection time

This is the time to judge whether the network is in operation or not
when joining the network. If a token is detected within this time, the
network is regarded as being in operation.

Message transmission

This function supports non-cyclic data exchange that occurs
between nodes.

Network management table

This table manages the common parameters on the network.

Participating node
management table

This table manages the status of each node participating in the

Resend function

If ACK is not sent back from the receiving side at 1:1 message
transmission, this function permits the transmitting side to resend a

Self-node management table

This table manages the information on the self-node.

Sequence number

This number is used to identify a message as a unique one at
message transmission.

Version number

This number is used for message transmission. The version
number is initialized by random number when a node is started.

Token monitoring time

This means the timeout period in which each node holds a token.

Word area

This means a 16K-byte area in the common memory.