Network logon (windows 95/98/me only) – PLANET NAS-7100 User Manual

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Network Logon (Windows 95/98/ME only)

If using Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME, you must Logon to the Network correctly

in order to use the NAS.

To check your Network Logon, following this procedure:

14. Check your Window logon using Start - Settings - Control Panel - Network.

Ensure the Primary Network Logon is set to "Client for Microsoft Networks", as shown


Window Logon

Windows will prompt you to Logon to the Network when it starts (boots).

You must logon!

If you press ESC, or click Cancel, no network resources will be available.

When you logon, you need to use a valid User Name and Password. If the NAS Administrator

has defined users on the NAS, use the User Name and password they supply.

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