PLANET WGSW-50040 User Manual
Page 225

[no] dosattack-check
ipv4-first-fragment enable
Enable/disable checking IPv4 fragment. This
command has no effect when used separately,
but if this function is not enabled, the switch will
not drop the IPv4 fragment packet containing
unauthorized TCP labels.
28.2.3 Anti Port Cheat Function Configuration Task Sequence
1. Enable the anti port cheat function
Global Mode
[no] dosattack-check
srcport-equal-dstport enable
Enable/disable the prevent-port-cheat function.
dosattack-check ipv4-first-fragment
Enable/disable checking IPv4 fragment. This
command has no effect when used separately,
but if this function is not enabled, the switch will
not drop the IPv4 fragment packet whose
source port is equal to its destination port.
28.2.4 Prevent TCP Fragment Attack Function Configuration
Task Sequence
1.Enable the prevent TCP fragment attack function
2.Configure the minimum permitted TCP head length of the packet
Global Mode
[no] dosattack-check tcp-fragment
Enable/disable the prevent TCP fragment
attack function.
dosattack-check tcp-header
Configure the minimum permitted TCP head
length of the packet. This command has no
effect when used separately, the user should
enable the dosattack-check tcp-fragment