2 load support – Magnum Energy MSH-M Series User Manual
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2013 Magnum Energy, Inc.
3.2.2 Load
While in the Standby Mode and the charger is enabled, the MSH-M Series inverter/charger has the
ability to work in parallel with the incoming AC source to support the AC loads using current from
the batteries. During the Standby mode, the current and voltage from the AC source and the AC
load current are continually monitored. When loads that exceed the available current from either
the shorepower grid or the generator are connected, the Load Support feature is automatically
activated. The Load Support feature causes the MSH-M inverter/charger to reduce/stop the
battery charging operation and begin the inverting operation to allow any available current from
the batteries to be used to ensure the AC loads are powered and the current does not exceed the
capacity of the AC source, or trip its output breakers or fuses. The Load Support feature turns off
once the load demand decreases and spare power from the incoming AC source is available; when
this happens, the battery charger is again activated and begins charging the batteries.
For the Load Support feature to automatically function, the following needs to occur:
1. An AC source (shorepower/AC generator) must be connected.
2. The inverter must be enabled (INV LED is on).
3. The battery voltage must be ≥0.5 volts (for a 12-volt system) or ≥1.0 volts (for a 24-volt
system) than the LBCO setting.
Info: If using a remote and the unit is in load support, the status will indicate either
“Load Support AAC” or “Load Support VDC”.
There are two modes of operation within Load Support.
• Load Support AAC – In this mode, the AC loads connected are requiring more power than
the incoming AC source can provide on its own. The inverter pulls the additional current—that
is needed for the loads—from the inverter batteries to keep the incoming AC current from
exceeding the input amps setting on the remote control.
Info: In Load Support AAC, even though the LED indicators may indicate charging, the
inverter/charger may not be putting current into the battery. If using a remote, the
Inverter/Charger Amps AC meter will indicate the load support process by displaying a
negative current fl owing from the batteries to the loads. The input amps AC value on
the remote will also drop during this process, while the load amps AC value remains
the same.
• Load Support VDC – In this mode, an external DC source (i.e., solar, hydro, wind, etc.,) is
providing more current than needed, causing the battery bank voltage to rise. The inverter/
charger reduces the incoming AC current and uses current from the batteries in an effort to
keep the battery voltage from rising above the temperature-compensated battery voltage
setting on the remote control.
Info: The charger must be enabled (not in ‘Charger Standby’) for the Load Support
VDC feature to be active.