Features – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 7

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Common to Mac and PC

The first time the LinPlug CrX4 is started a Serial Number edit box will be

visible on the Setup page. It reads "Enter Serial here" in red letters.
Copy/Paste the serial number you have received into this edit box. If the

serial number has not been entered or it has been entered incorrectly, the
LinPlug CrX4 will remain in demo mode.

If you have any questions regarding the installation of LinPlug CrX4 please

contact our support team at:




4 Generator modules with 5 types of Generators: Time Sampler,

Wavetable Sampler and Loop Sampler as well as an Oscillator
and Noise Oscillator.


Generator FM and AM options.


Time Sampler Generator with real-time control, separate time-

stretching and pitch-shifting.


Wavetable Sampler, a unique Generator that offers wavetable-like

operation using any sample.


Loop Sampler Generator with individually modulatable loop points

and start point.


Classic Oscillator with many waveforms for analog-style



Noise Oscillator with many filter options


2 analog-style multimode stereo filters with modulatable cutoff
frequency, resonance, filter type and envelope depth.


Several envelopes for controlling Amplitude and Filter Cutoff as
well as an assignable Modulation Envelope.


4 independent LFOs with various waveforms, tempo-sync
capabilities and one-shot-mode.


LFOs have adjustable delay, attack, symmetry and phase setting


10 slot Modulation Matrix with 23 sources and more than 50



Fully recognizes Velocity, Aftertouch, Pitch bend , Mod-Wheel and

various other MIDI controllers


A sophisticated effects section containing 12 effects including

CrX4 User Manual