LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 48

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In M (Mono) mode one LFO is applied to all synth voices simultaneously, so

all voices share one permanently running LFO. Moreover the LFO is
synced to the song position, so if you have a 1/4


note tempo set for the

LFO, it will start exactly at each 1/4


note as the song plays back.

The R (Retrigger) button slightly modifies the working of a Mono LFO in the
way that the LFO is retriggered when the first note is being played. This

means, as long as you have any notes still sounding a new played note
wont retrigger the LFO. Only when all notes have finished their release

phase and are truly finished the next note will reset the LFO to start from
the begin of its cycle. This can be useful when you play notes which are not

exactly on the beat but want the LFO to be in sync with the note rather than
the beat.

The Single setting is a un-synced, polyphonic mode, so again each voice

has its own LFO. The LFO is again started with the note, but it only runs a
single cycle. This is particular useful for certain effects, in example when

you use the LFO as kind of envelope.
When applying Delay, this single cycle can also happen not right at the

start of the note but a bit later, depending on the actual Delay time.

This leads to the envelope of the LFO: The Delay and Attack dials. Please
Note that the Phase, Delay and Attack parameters do not function if the

LFO is set to Mono or Retrigger mode (because then it’s a permanently
running LFO).

The Delay parameter sets the time before the LFO begins running. A Delay

setting of 0 means that the LFO begins operating immediately.

The Attack dial setting determines the length of time it takes for the LFO to
reach the full modulation depth. This can be used to slowly increase the

amount of modulation applied. A setting of 0 means that modulation
commences immediately.

The Phase parameter sets the point in the waveform cycle at which the

LFO starts. This not applies in Mono or Retrigger mode.

The Symmetry parameter can be used to distort the waveform's shape, as
you might know it from oscillator waveforms.

CrX4 User Manual