Wavetable generator – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 17

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Wavetable Generator

The CrX4's Wavetable Generator module uses a sample to generate a

wavetable. This Generator works “best” with samples which are both
exactly in tune and without gaps (regions of silence). However, it might be

that just something not in tune or with varying pitch results in the most
interesting sound.

The Speed dial determines the

playback speed of the wavetable
where the red marked setting is the

approximate speed of the original
sample. Interesting results are

usually achieved with slower
playback, rather than with faster


Around the Speed dial there are marks at 25%, 50%, 100% (green), 200,
400, 800 and 1600%. These represent speeds from ¼ of the original speed

(duration) to 16 times the original speed.

The Speed Track dial determines whether the playback speed gets faster
with higher notes (positive tracking) or slower (negative tracking). This can

be used for achieving an effect similar to that found on conventional
samplers where playback gets faster as pitch increases. The range is:

-100%...+100%, so with negative values you can create just reverse the
effect usually found on simple (or older) samplers.

The Spread is described in the general Generator description before this


The Sample control is used for loading and unloading samples. The Load
button (folder symbol) opens a dialog that lets you select a file for loading.

The Previous and Next buttons allow you to traverse the samples within the
folder where you last loaded a sample from.

Attention: When no sample is loaded, the Wavetable generates a sine
wave and thus works like an oscillator with a sine waveform.

The Range controls (located in the low left) enable you to define a fraction

of the sample to be used as a basis for the wavetable. This way you can in
example exclude the begin or end of the sample or narrow the sample

down to only a small part.

CrX4 User Manual