LinPlug CrX4 User Manual
Page 19

which is looped. These three parameters can also be adjusted in the
Waveform Display window allowing you to actually see these parameters
right on the loaded sample.
Moreover these three parameter (Start, Loop Start and Loop End) can be
dynamically changed in realtime during playback of the sample. They are
available as “Aux Mod 1” for the Loop Start and “Aux Mod 2” for the Loop
The Root control enables you to set the unity note of the loaded sample. If,
for example, you set Center to C1 and play a C2 the sample will be played
one octave above its original frequency. Range: C-2...G8.
The Start, Loop-Start and -End and Root parameters are per Sample, so if
you use more than one sample in this Generator, each sample has its own
settings. The following parameters however, are global for all samples!
The setting of the Release Loop button determines what happens in terms
of sample playback after a note is released. When the Release Loop
button is on, sample playback continues from within the loop even after a
Note Off message is received. This means that the segment of the loop
after Loop-End point never gets played. When the Release Loop button is
off, sample playback ends with the segment of the loop after Loop-End
The Smooth (“Smoothing”) setting determines the degree of loop-
smoothing when loop points are used. The maximum setting is 99.9%. A
setting of 50% means that half of the loop's length is used for smoothing.
Depending on the loop length, a setting between 5 and 20% should be
sufficient for smooth loops even with loop points being modulated. It's best
to use higher smoothing settings for shorter loops.
Please note that Smoothing cannot work sufficiently when the loop start
point is the same as the sample start point.
CrX4 User Manual