Generator spread – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 14

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The Volume dial is used to set the output level of the Generator. If the
Generator is being used for either AM or FM then this parameter controls

the intensity of the modulation.

The setting of the Bal (“Filter Balance”) dial determines the proportion of
the signal that is sent to Filter 1 and Filter 2. Turning the dial all the way to

the right sends all of the oscillator's output to Filter 2, while turning it all the
way to the left sends all of the output to Filter 1.

Note that when using AM of FM modulation, this control in Generator 1 (or
Generator 3) is disabled (greyed out).

Generator Spread

Though this parameter is not in all Generators it is in three of them: Time

Sampler, Wavetable and Oscillator.

Spread is the “polyphonic unison” of
CrX4, the detuning of stacked

Generators. The Spread dial is used
to set the degree of detuning. When

moved from the leftmost position the
dial gradually detunes five of the

currently selected Generators to
produce a thick and fat sound. This

does not affect polyphony (however it
does use more CPU resources). The

range is Off (thats 0 cent) to 50 cent.
To make sure you not miss a very

small detuning (when the dial is
almost, but not yet at its leftmost

position), there is a small indicator
light top-right of this dial, which is lit

as soon as all 5 voices are active.

CrX4 User Manual