Arpeggiator – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

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The CrX4's Arpeggiator allows you to create user-defined arpeggios.

Arpeggios are chords that are played as separate successive notes or
broken chords. With the CrX4's Arpeggiator you can control the way the

arpeggio is played in numerous ways.

Right next to the Arp (Arpeggiator) label you find the editing menu which
allows you to init the arpeggiator or copy/paste settings into another preset

or even save/load its settings for future use. This way you can build an
entire library of your own Arpeggiator presets if you wish.

The Arpeggiator Mode defines how the Arpeggiator functions. Several

options are available:


Off: Switches the Arpeggiator completely off.


Mod-Only: In this mode the Arpeggiator is Off and does not influence
chords (or single notes) being played. However, the Arpeggiator is

available as a Modulation Source in the Modulation Matrix as if it were
switched on. Using the Arpeggiator in the Modulation Matrix is like

having an LFO with up to 32 individually definable steps.


Up, Down, Up/Down, Up/Down+, Down/Up, and Down/Up+: These
modes play typical arpeggiator patterns or arpeggios which, as

described above, are the notes of the chord played successively
instead of simultaneously.

In Up mode the chord notes are played in ascending order starting from
lowest note. In Down mode, the playback sequence is reversed with

chord notes being played in descending order starting from highest
note. In UpDown mode chord notes are played from lowest to highest

and then from highest to lowest. In DownUp mode this pattern is
reversed. A “+” sign after the mode type indicates that the highest and

lowest notes of the chord are played twice. For example, in the case of
UpDown mode the chord C-E-G would be arpeggiated as C-E-G-E and

then repeated. In the case of Up/Down+ mode, the chord would be
arpeggiated as C-E-G-G-E-C and then repeated.

CrX4 User Manual