LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 68

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LFO Speed

Speed of one of the four LFOs, this allows tempo
changes of the LFO to be modulated by in example

another LFO, Envelope or MIDI controller. Another
example is Key Lin as source which makes the LFO run

faster with higher notes.

All Envelopes can be modulated the same way

Env Attack

The Attack Time of the Envelope.

Env Hold

The Hold Time of the Envelope. Please note that this has
no effect when an Envelope of type ADSFR is selected

(no Hold Phase) or when the Hold parameter is at Null!
So to make the particular modulation have an effect a

minimum Hold time must already exist in the Envelope.

Env Decay

The Decay Time of the Envelope.

Env Sustain

The Sustain Level of the Envelope.

Env Release

The Release Time of the Envelope.

CrX4 User Manual