Appendix b: modulation matrix sources – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual
Page 64

Appendix B: Modulation Matrix Sources
Two types of modulation source are available: unipolar and bipolar.
Unipolar modulation sources increase the modulation destination's value in
a single direction (e.g. the ModWheel), while bipolar modulation sources
both increment and decrement the modulations destination value (e.g. an
No modulation source is selected.
Note Log
The note being played with
exponential response. The
modulation value follows the
frequency of theplayed note
Note Lin
The note being played with a linear
response. The modulation value
follows the note number (bipolar).
The MIDI note-on velocity information. The harder the key
is hit, the higher the modulation value (unipolar).
The Aftertouch, also sometimes called Pressure value
(either Mono or Poly, whatever your keyboard supports) is
used as modulation source. Your MIDI keyboard must
support this. If this doesn't work it is likely that your
keyboard has no aftertouch (unipolar).
Pitch Wheel
The value of the Pitch-Wheel is taken as modulation
source, maybe it makes sense to reduce the Pitch Wheel
range on the Settings page to 0 when using the Pitch
Wheel as modulation source. The Pitch Wheel is bipolar
Modulation Wheel
The MIDI modulation wheel (MIDI CC 1) (unipolar ).
This one is mainly used to control the morphing. Thought it
might make sense to use it in the modulation matrix.
Breath Controller
MIDI CC 2 (unipolar).
Foot Controller
MIDI CC 4 (unipolar).
CrX4 User Manual