LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 16

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Next is the Sample Name display, which not only indicates the name of the
used sample, but also has a color coding: When written in white, the

sample is from the CrX4 library (within the Library folder), when it is dark
red it is from outside the Library (thus indicating you need to make sure it is

always available at its current location as CrX4 might else not be able to
relocate it). A light red written sample name indicates that the sample could

not be located. As a guideline it is a good idea to save all presets to the “My
Presets” folder (or another user created folder) within the Library, as this

makes sure your samples are all in the Library and all you need to backup
is the Library (and no other locations).

The Sample control is used for loading and unloading samples. The Load

button (folder symbol) opens a dialog that lets you select a file for loading.
The Previous and Next buttons allow you to traverse a list of samples. The

Clear button (X symbol) is used to remove a sample from the Generator
(thus freeing memory and producing no sound anymore).

The Range controls is used to set the relative start and end point of the

sample. If the first (upper) value is set to 0 the sample starts right from the
file’s original start point. Higher values set the start point towards the end of

the sample. The same applies to the second (lower) value adjusting the
end of the used region of the sample.

The Root control enables you to set the unity note of the loaded sample. If,

for example, you set Root to C1 and play a C2 the sample will be played
one octave above its original frequency. In the case of the Time Sampler

Generator, if you wish to obtain the most natural sound then it's essential
that the sample's root note is set to the same note as the one at which the

sample was initially recorded. Otherwise the Generator will produce
unusual effects. In many cases however, it is precisely these effects that

give the CronoX its interesting and unique sounds.

The Loop switch enables a complete loop of the sample, that is, when it
comes to its end it starts from the begin again. This is aprticular useful with

short samples of when you shorten its time with the Time parameter.

CrX4 User Manual