Noise oscillator – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 24

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Noise Oscillator

A new oscillator in version 4 of CronoX is the Noise Oscillator. It is pretty

versatile combining a noise source with two filters (right inside the
generator module).

A high pass (HP) and a low pass (LP)

filter allow multiple filtering scenarios
which are described soon. The filters

allow separate resonance for high
pass and low pass. In band reject

mode the remaining frequency bands
below and above the band reject can

be adjusted using the mix dial.

Both the operation frequency as well as the mix can be modulated.
Low Pass: To only cut the higher harmonics out of the noise you can low-

pass filter the noise by keeping the HP at default minimum setting and
control the LP cutoff with the LP cut parameter.

High Pass: To only remove the lower frequencies you would keep the LP

filter cutoff at ots default setting (fully right) and control the HP cutoff
frequency with the HP cut dial.

Band Pass: When you combine HP and LP filter and keep HP cutoff below

LP cutoff you effectively have a variable width band pass filter. The passed
frequencies are between the HP and the LP cutoff.

Band Reject: In the moment the HP cutoff is above the LP cutoff, the filter

turns into a variable width band reject filter. In this filter mode the “Mix”
parameter gets enabled to balance the harmonics above the rejected band

with the harmonics below the rejected band.

In any operation you can make use of the Rough switch, which function is
not obvious in most operation modes. First it is important to know that the

noise filter is both able to track pitch (though it is not tuned) as well as to
operate at a fixed frequency, which can be set with the semitone and cent

controls left of it.
Once you tune the noise pretty low (e.g. -36 semitones) the function of the

Rough switch becomes audible, changing between two different noise
generation modes allowing either a normal or rather rough noise sound to

be produced.

CrX4 User Manual