Effects – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 31

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The CrX4 has 6 independent, simultaneously-available stereo effects
modules. Effects modules 1 and 2 can be set to one of 12 different effects,

while Effects modules 3 to 6 can be set to one of four different effects from
these 12 (the same effect cannot be used twice in effect modules 3 to 6).

All 6 effects modules are identical so they will only be described in this
manual once.

The Effects Section has 6 switches on the very right, which correspond with

the 6 available effects units. Each switch shows the name of the currently
selected effect type for each unit. The Edited (shown) unit is lit. The small

light on the left of each switch is an indicator, showing if an effects unit is
currently switched on or not.

On top of the Effects section are the effects name (which can be clicked

and then turns into a menu allowing you to select any of the available effect
types) and a Wet slider for adjusting the amount of effect applied.

Note: The Wet control has no meaning for the Parametric EQ effect which
functions as an insert effect.

On the left, below the FX label is an On/Off switch for the currently shown

effect. Each effect's controls differ; they are described in detail on the
following pages.

Generally, when a time or rate is displayed, the display functions as a

popup menu when you click it, offering you the Sync times listed in
Appendix A.

CrX4 User Manual