Chorus – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual
Page 35

The Chorus effect can be used to thicken a single sound creating the
impression that it contains multiple voices. The Chorus works by mixing
delayed signals with the original signal.
The Time slider is used for
setting the delay time. Longer
times produce a chorusing
effect while shorter times
create a flanging effect.
The Rate slider sets the rate
at which the signal is
A unique feature of the CrX4’s Chorus are its Time Spread and Rate
Spread parameters. Basically, Spread makes the chorus sound fatter by
adding random deviations to the Time and Rate parameters. The degree of
randomness depends on the spread Time and Rate parameters; setting the
Spread Time and Rate to 0 cancels the effect; increasing the value of the
Spread Time and Rate parameters adds additional richness and fullness to
the sound. It can also make the effect sound more natural.
The Dry slider allows you to reduce the level of the original unprocessed
(dry) signal. This is sometimes useful in achieving a fatter sound.
The Stereo slider is used to adjust the width of the stereo image. To create
the maximum stereo effect move the slider all the way to the right. Note that
when used in combination with other stereo enhancing effects (such as the
ping pong delay) it might be desirable to set the Stereo slider to a lower
With the Invert button you can control whether or not the internal feedback
inverts the signal or not. Inverted Signals usually sound smoother but lack
lower harmonics, so depending on the desired effect the switch can used.
CrX4 User Manual