LinPlug CrX4 User Manual
Page 26

indicators for low-pass , band-pass, high-pass and band-reject. This special
filter operates as a single type or a mix of two types, depending on the dial
setting. Please note that the Filter-Type can be modulated in the Matrix as
The CrX4's Free filter comes in two flavours: 12 and 24 dB which
correspond to the Free 12dB and Free 24dB setting.
Common settings for all Filters:
Each filter has its own satur (Saturation) dial located on the far left of the
filter section. The Sat dial is used to overdrive the CrX4's filters creating a
saturated, distorted sound.
Cutoff is used to set the operation frequency of the filter. When using the
Low Pass filters higher settings produce brighter sounds while lower
settings result in darker sounds. When using the High Pass filters higher
settings produce thinner, brighter sounds, while lower settings produce
fatter, darker sounds, for other filter types the characteristics change
accordingly with this parameter.
The reso (Resonance) dial is used to set the amount of emphasis around
the cutoff frequency. Higher settings create a more pronounced peak in the
signal while lower settings produce a flatter response.
Key Tracking is used to control the degree to which the filter tracks the
MIDI note's frequency.
The trk (Track or tracking) is used to control the degree to which the filter
tracks the note being played. So higher notes have a higher cutoff
frequency, while lower notes have a lower cutoff frequency. When the dial
is moved to the left the effect of filter tracking is just opposite as described.
The dep (Depth) parameter controls the Envelope Amount; it is used to set
the degree to which the filter's envelope affects the Filter Cutoff. Setting
Env Amt to the central (neutral) position means that the envelope has no
effect on the filter while both fully right as well as fully left means that the
filter is modulated by the envelope's full range (either positive, raising the
cutoff or negative, reducing the cutoff).
The velo (Velocity) cn be used to open the filter (raise the Cutoff) with
increasing Velocity. When turned fully left the Velocity has no effect on the
filter Cutoff, while turned fully right the Filter opens in accordance to how
hard a note is played.
CrX4 User Manual