Operation / controls – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 10

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Operation / Controls

The LinPlug CrX4 dials and sliders are operated in a linear manner, so just
move your mouse up/down to modify a control.

Holding down the ALT key while clicking on a control changes the selected

control's value a minimum step upwards (when clicking in the upper half of
the control) or a minimum step downwards (when clicking in the lower half

of the control).

Holding down the CTRL key (Windows) or COMMAND key (Mac) while
clicking on a control sets the control to its default value (e.g. for Volume

controls it sets the control's value to 0 dB).

Holding down the SHIFT key while changing a control's value enables finer
control values to be set.

Double clicking once in a Modulation Matrix slot sets the value of the slot to

0.00. Double clicking in the same slot a second time resets the slot to its
previous value.

All Controls can be controlled using external MIDI messages. To do this you

need to use the LinPlug CrX4's ECS which is described in detail later in this

CrX4 User Manual