Master volume – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 55

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To use the CrX4’s ECS feature, proceed as follows. Click on the ECS
button and then select “Learn” from the popup menu. Select a CrX4

parameter with the mouse by clicking on it and then send some MIDI
messages to the CrX4 from your MIDI controller. When done, click on “Off”.

That's all there is to it! From now on you can change the selected
parameter with the chosen controller.

In addition to this, more than one controller can be defined to change a
particular parameter. In fact, you can define up to 128 parameter-controller-

combinations. This does not depend on the type of controller you have nor
the particular MIDI Control Change messages it sends.

Troubleshooting: If CrX4 is not responding to a controller it is most likely

that your host software (DAW) is not allowing the MIDI CC Messages to be
send to CrX4; please consult your host software documentation about how

to enable MIDI CC being send to a instrument plugin.

ECS settings can be saved and restored using the Load and Save
functions found in the menu that pops up when you click the ECS button.

Please note that CrX4 always remember what it learned without the need
to save that. However, when you have multiple setups you use (e.g. Studio

and Stage), you might find the Save / Load useful to have different
assignments for the respective setup.

In addition, a single controller assignment can be cleared using the Clear

menu entry. To do this, select “Clear” from the ECS popup menu (the ECS
light goes on) and move control that you wish to be cleared (de-assigning it

from the MIDI Control Change message it is currently controlled by). Don't
forget to switch off the Clear function by clicking the “Off” button after you

have finished!

The “Clear All” menu item clears all controller-parameter assignments at
once. After this function has been executed, CrX4 does not change

parameters depending on MIDI CC messages anymore. To also suppress
the effect of MIDI program change / bank change messages please check

the respective options in the general CrX4 Setup.

Master Volume

The Volume control sets the overall CrX4's volume within a wide range.

Please note that CrX4 has an internal limiter that not allows overall output
level beyond about +12 dB.

CrX4 User Manual