The main section, Chord memory – LinPlug CrX4 User Manual

Page 28

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The Main Section

In the Main section you find a couple of global settings: The Chord Memory,
Velocity to Amplitude modulation, Precision, polyphony (Voice Limit), the

Glide parameters and the main Amplitude Envelope.

Chord Memory

The Chord (Chord Memory) function allows you to record chords and

include them with the current preset. The idea behind it is, to trigger
multiple notes which can be interesting sound effects, often when using the

Arpeggiator to break this chord into many, successively played notes.
The Chord button has three states:

the left state (single note), means Chord memory is Off

the middle state (a red chord) means you are in Learn mode and
can now record a simple two notes chord up to a 8 note complex

The right state (a green chord) means that Chord memory is On,
turning every Note message into the chord which was previously


Note that the order in which notes are played in Learn Mode is important:

the first note is taken as the root or basic note and all successive notes are
stored by interval relative to this first note. For example, if you learn the

chord C-E-G by actually playing the E first, the C is stored as -4 semitones
and the G as +3 semitones.

This means that if you play a C note when in Play mode after recording the
chord from the above example, the resulting chord will be G#-C-D#.

CrX4 User Manual