Yaskawa iQpump Controller User Manual User Manual
Page 76

4.1 Start-Up
YASKAWA TM.iQp.06 iQpump Controller User Manual
25. Wire all necessary control wires to the iQpump drive.
26. Ensure that the power leads are connected to the R/L1, S/L2 and T/L3 terminals in the iQpump drive.
27. Tighten all of the three-phase power and ground connections. Please check that all control and signal terminations are tight.
28. Inspect the control circuit connections (including the shield) and determine if a motor “safety circuit” is connected.
If normally closed, these contacts may be wired in series with the RUN command contacts, which are between terminals S1 and
SN of the iQpump drive. No special programming is required. Refer to
Alternately, these contacts could be wired between terminals S3 and SN as External Fault Inputs, and may be either normally
closed or normally open contacts.
29. Record any other connections to the iQpump drive using the blank terminal connection drawing in Chapter 2 – Electrical
Installation (Fig. 2.9) to determine if special programming is required for the following:
Multi-function Digital Inputs –
Multi-function Analog Outputs – refer to