7 electronic string fuse, 8 grid management, 7 electronic string fuse 3.8 grid management – SMA STP 10000TL-10 Installation User Manual

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SMA Solar Technology AG

3  Product Description

Installation Manual



3.7 Electronic String Fuse

The Sunny Tripower is equipped with an electronic string fuse. This prevents dangerous reverse
currents in the PV array and thus plays a key role in fire prevention. Reverse currents can occur as a
result of reverse poling during installation or module defects during operation. The electronic string
fuse recognises these defects and shorts the PV array. This prevents the occurrence of reverse currents
and thus safeguards both the PV system and the Sunny Tripower. An advantage of this method is that
conventional fuses at the DC inputs are not necessary. The electronic solution is entirely
maintenance-free and does not require any dimensioning.
In order to make optimum use of this function, particular care must be taken during commissioning
(see Section 6.4 "Connecting the PV Array (DC)", page 35). The Sunny Tripower signals
dangerous conditions by beeping and issuing warnings in the display or external communication
(see Section 12.1 "Sunny Tripower is Beeping", page 82). If electrical installation takes place under
conditions of insufficient irradiation (PV voltage less than 188 V), the Sunny Tripower will not have
power supply which means that the protective functions described above will not be active during

3.8 Grid Management

The inverter is equipped with grid management functions.
Depending on the requirements of the network operator, you can activate and configure the
functions (e.g. provision of reactive power, active power limitation) via operating parameters
(for information on the functions and operating parameters, see the Technical Description
"Measured Values and Parameters" at

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