Emerson FM-3 User Manual
Page 76

FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Number of PLS Points
This parameter determines the number of PLS Points that will be used. Count always begins
with 0, so 5 points will be 0 to 4. Up to eight PLS points may be used simultaneously.
The source of a PLS can be assigned to the motor axis (MotorPosnFeedback,
MotorPosnCommand) or a master synchronization signal (MasterPosnFeedback). The term
motor axis refers to the motor being controlled by the FM-3/drive combination. The source
list box is used to select the source for the individual PLS.
On Point
PLS.#.Status will be active when the selected source position is between the PLS.#.OnPosn
and the PLS.#.OffPosn. Assume that the PLS.#.Direction is set to "Both". When traveling in
the positive direction and the feedback position executes the OnPosn, the PLS.#.Status will
activate. As the motor continues in the same direction, the PLS.#.Status will deactivate when
feedback position reaches or exceeds the OffPosn. If motor travel changes to the negative
direction, the PLS.#.Status will activate when the feedback position reaches the OffPosn, and
will deactivate when it continues past the OnPosn. All on/off positions are defined in user
PLS.#.Status will be active if:PLS.#.OnPosn < Feedback Position £ PLS.#.OffPosn
Off Point
PLS.#.Status will be active when the selected source position is between the PLS.#.OnPosn
and the PLS.#.OffPosn. Assume that the PLS.#.Direction is set to "Both". When traveling
in the positive direction and the feedback position reaches the OnPosn, the PLS.#.Status will
activate. As the motor continues in the same direction, the PLS.#.Status will deactivate when
feedback position reaches or exceeds the OffPosn. If motor travel changes to the negative
direction, the PLS.#.Status will activate when feedback position reaches the OffPosn, and will
deactivate when it continues past the OnPosn.
PLS.#.Status will be active if:PLS.#.OnPosn < Feedback Position £ PLS.#.OffPosn
If using negative values for your OnPosn and OffPosn, the most negative value should go in
the OnPosn parameter, and the least negative value should go in the OffPosn.
If the PLS has a rollover point, and the OnPosn is greater than the OffPosn, the PLS will be
active whenever the position feedback is not between the On and Off positions, and in-active
whenever the position feedback is between the two positions. However, the PLS.#.Status will
not turn on until it reaches the OnPosn the first time.All on/off positions are defined in user
This parameter specifies the direction of motion that a particular PLS output will function. If
set to Both, the PLS will activate regardless of whether the motor (or master motor) is moving
in the positive or negative direction. If set to Plus, the PLS will activate only when the motor