10 inter-business monitoring, Inter-business traffic analysis overview, Inter-business traffic analysis reporting overview – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
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10 Inter-business monitoring
This chapter provides an overview of inter-business traffic analysis, explains how to manage
inter-business traffic analysis tasks, and describes how to navigate different types of inter-business traffic
analysis reports.
Inter-business traffic analysis overview
Inter-business traffic analysis tasks allow you to combine host and application information and assign it
a business service name. NTA parses network flow records based on the combination of hosts and
applications that you create, and provides traffic statistics for those hosts and applications. Because
inter-business analyses are based on hosts and applications and are not tied to an interface, a device,
or probe network flow data sources, inter-business reports provide visibility for all areas of the network
that generate network flow records.
In general, traffic reports include the rate of traffic for all hosts and applications in all tasks, and for the
hosts and applications in a specific task. They include per-second traffic for each configured
inter-business analysis task, the average rate for a single business and for inter-business traffic, and
inter-business reports that operators have saved to the Interest list under the Interest tab. The reports
provide both summarized information for tasks as well as detailed information about specific
applications configured for a traffic analysis task.
Inter-business traffic analysis reporting overview
Click Inter-Business Traffic Analysis Task on the left navigation tree to view the summary report for all
inter-business traffic analysis tasks.
To view the inter-business traffic analysis report for a single task, move your mouse pointer to the shortcut
menu icon to the right of Inter-Business Traffic Analysis Task. The Inter-Business Traffic Analysis Task
shortcut menu appears to display all inter-business traffic analysis tasks created in NTA. Click the name
link for a task to view the inter-business traffic analysis report of the task.
Each inter-business traffic analysis report contains three granular reports, including Single Business,
Inter-Business, and Interest. Click the Expand icon next to a task on the Inter-Business Traffic
Analysis Task shortcut menu to display the three granular reports for the inter-business traffic analysis task.
Click the name link for a granular report to view the granular report.
The summary inter-business traffic analysis report provides the following information:
Average Rate (Last 1 Hour)—This bar graph provides average-rate-per-second reporting for all
inter-business tasks. Each bar in the graph is a link for navigating to more granular reporting for the
selected task:
Single Business—These reports provide a bar graph depicting the TopN average rate per
second generated by the hosts and applications you have configured as a single business
application or service for the selected task. Click the contents of this graph to navigate to
detailed information about the selected application. The Traffic Details area lists traffic volume
and rate statistics for both inbound and outbound traffic.