Establishing an ftp connection – H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade LB Cards User Manual

Page 96

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The device and the FTP server can reach each other.

You have a user account (including the username, password, and authorization) on the FTP server.
If the FTP server supports anonymous FTP, you can directly access the FTP server without a username
and password.

Establishing an FTP connection

Before you can access the FTP server, use the ftp command in user view or use the open command in FTP
client view to establish a connection to the FTP server.
You can use the ftp client source command to specify a source IP address or source interface for the FTP

packets sent by the device. If a source interface (typically a loopback interface) is specified, its primary

IP address is used as the source IP address for the FTP packets sent by the device. The source interface
and source IP address settings overwrite each other.
The ftp client source command setting applies to all FTP sessions. When you set up an FTP session using

the ftp or ftp ipv6 command, you can also specify a different source IP address for the FTP session.


To avoid FTP connection failures, when you specify a source interface for FTP packets, make sure the
interface has been assigned a primary IP address.

To establish an IPv4 FTP connection:

Step Command



Enter system view.




Specify a source IP

address for outgoing
FTP packets.

ftp client source { interface interface-type
| ip source-ip-address }

By default, the primary IP

address of the output interface
is used as the source IP



Return to user view.




Log in to the remote

FTP server.

(Approach 1) Log in to the remote FTP server

in user view:

ftp [ server-address [ service-port ]
[ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ source

{ interface interface-type interface-number |

ip source-ip-address } ] ]

(Approach 2) Log in to the remote FTP server

in FTP client view:




open server-address [ service-port ]

Use either approach.

To establish an IPv6 FTP connection, perform one of the following tasks:

Task Command

Log in to the remote FTP server from user view.

ftp ipv6 [ server-address [ service-port ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ source ipv6

source-ipv6-address ] [ -i interface-type

interface-number ] ]

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