Eneo iNEX Client User Manual

Page 54

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iNEX Standard


Don’t display broken frames: It is possible that frames will be broken or lost when using the RTP protocol

depending on the network environment. Select whether or not to display the broken frames in Live or
Play panels.

Buffering Frame Count: Set up the number of buffering frames to use for the RTP protocol. The higher

the number is, the less the video stutter. The lower the number is, the higher the real-time monitoring.

Use Network Keyboard: Allows you to control the Client program by using a network keyboard.

Set up the port number that the Client program will use when it is controlled by a network keyboard.
Selecting Use large mouse cursor enlarges the mouse cursor size.


Activate Auto Focusing: Enlarges the area

where the event-detected device is placed when
an event is detected.

− Focusing Event: Select a desired event for auto


− Focusing Duration: Set up the duration for

auto focusing to last.

− Focusing Minimum Dwell: Set up the duration

for auto focus to last for the first detected event
when events are detected in more than one device
consecutively. Auto focusing moves to the
later detected event after the preset time expires.

Zoom Finder: Displays or hides the PIP screen.

The rectangle in the PIP screen indicates the
enlarged area. When set to Auto, the PIP screen
is displayed only while a canvas is enlarged.

Map Event Spot: Video from the event-detected

camera is displayed on the map event spot screen
when an event is detected.

− Event monitoring dwell: Set up the duration

for video to be displayed on the map event spot

− Minimum monitoring dwell: Set up the event monitoring dwell time for the current event when other

events are detected while event-detected video is displayed. Video from other events is displayed after
the preset time is expired.

Instant Viewer: Set up the duration for the instant view to be displayed. Instant Viewer is displayed

when clicking a camera on a map.