Eneo iNEX Client User Manual
Page 52

iNEX Standard
Video Enhancement
Aspect Ratio: Select the proper image aspect
− Original Ratio: Fits images within the screen
size while maintaining their original ratio.
− Fit to Screen: Fits images to the screen size
regardless of the aspect ratio.
− Fit to Screen (Aspect Ratio): Fits images to
the screen size keeping the aspect ratio. This
might cause top and bottom or left and right
side of images to be cropped depending on the
screen size. This aspect ratio is not supported
and Original Ratio is applied for camera screens
that the following functions are activated: Image
Zoom, Hotspot, Event Spot, Draw Motion
Block, Draw Video Analytics.
− Actual Size (x1): Displays images in their
original size.
Color Space: Select the color space standard
to display video on the screen. The color quality
or display performance of video might be affected
depending on the color space standard selected.
Deinterlacing: Enhances image display quality of interlaced video on the screen by eliminating
horizontal scan lines or noise in areas with motion. Select the desired deinterlace filter.
Anti-Aliasing: Enhances image display quality of video on the screen by eliminating stair-stepping
(aliasing) effects in the enlarged image.
Trim The Black (noise) Edges: Trims the black line (noise) displayed at the edge of the image.
Improve Tearing Artifacts: Improves tearing artifact caused when the monitor’s scanning line retracing
speed is slow (1x1 screen format only). This might increase the CPU load.
Disable Transparent Window: Disables using a transparent window style and opacifies windows
including the control toolbar to correct the problem of transparent areas of the window flickering. The
change will be applied the next time the program is run.
Dynamic Multistream Control: Allows you to use a different stream depending on the screen format
(supported only for devices in which more than one stream is used). Selecting Auto allows the iNEX
program automatically to choose the proper stream based on the screen format.
Interactive Bandwidth Control: Controls the network bandwidth by automatically adjusting the
resolution and the frame rate of the device depending on a screen format (1x1 screen format: the maximum
resolution and frame rate supported by the device, Multi-screen format: the resolution and frame rate
decreased to an appropriate level for each screen format). This function enhances the network bandwidth
efficiency and decreases a drop in performance of the Client system which might be caused by the network
congestion. For this function to work, the device must be also set up to use the function. This function
works only for monitoring video.
Log List
Set up the number of log entries to be displayed at
once (in the case of Device Log, maximum 100
logs at once regardless of the setting).