Eneo iNEX Client User Manual
Page 138

iNEX Standard
Address, Port: Enter the email address and port number
of the SMTP server. Select Use SSL/TLS if the SMTP
server requires SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) authentication.
Sender: Enter the sender’s email address.
Use Authentication: Select and enter the ID and password
if the SMTP server requires user authentication.
Live Popup: Select to pop up a live video (maximum 36) from the event-detected camera in the Client
system when an event is detected based on the event condition setting. Refer to 16.2 Managing
Events, Live Popup (p. 136).
Duration: Enter the duration for the display of
popup video to last.
Select popup Cameras: Select the cameras
(maximum 4) from which video will pop up.
Selecting the Same cameras that triggered an
event option pops up video only from the camera
where an event is detected (not supported for
alarm-in events and audio detection events).
Event Acknowledgement: Select to display an event log in the Client program when an event is
detected based on the event condition setting. Refer to 16.2 Managing Events, Event
Acknowledgement (p. 136).
Message: Enter the message to be displayed in the Client
Priority: Select the priority of the event. The priority will be
displayed in the event log.
Move PTZ: Select to move the PTZ camera to a Preset position when an event is detected based on
the event condition setting (supported only for devices which use the iNEX protocol).