Eneo iNEX Client User Manual

Page 110

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iNEX Standard


Left/removed Object Detection

When an object is separated from another object in the detection area and left or removed during the required
time for detection, the iNEX program considers it as an event.

Name: Enter the event name. The name will

be displayed in the rule list.

Draw, Erase: Allows you to set up detection

areas by enabling blocks on the screen. Click
the button and enable or disable blocks by
using the mouse drag and drop on the screen.

Required time for detection (sec): Set up

the length of time for the detection to last and
to be recognized as an event.


When any objects enter into the detection area or exit out from the detection area, the iNEX program considers
it as an event.

Name: Enter the event name. The name will

be displayed in the rule list.

Draw, Erase: Allows you to set up detection

areas by enabling blocks on the screen. Click
the button and enable or disable blocks by
using the mouse drag and drop on the screen.

In/Out: Selecting In considers as an event

when any objects enter into the detection area.
Selecting Out considers as an event when any
objects exit out from the detection area.