Eneo iNEX Client User Manual
Page 50

iNEX Standard
Menu – Preference Settings
You can set the basic settings of the Client program to meet your preferences. Go to the System Menu →
Click Preference, and the Preference window appears.
Date/Time: Displays the current date and time.
Date Format, Time Format: Set up the system
date/time format.
Start Week On: Set up the day of the week to
Screen Format
Side Pane Position, Map Sitemap Position:
Set up the position of side panels and the position
of the root map list in the Map panel.
Live Default, Playback Default, Map Default:
The default screen formats for the Live, Play and
Map screens are displayed. Clicking the Format
Setup button allows you to change the default
screen format.
Change the screen format based on the
selected camera: Displays video from a camera
selected from the current screen format in the
first camera screen of the new screen format
when you change screen formats.