Saving playlists, Naming a playlist and saving it, Saving playlists naming a playlist and saving it – Teac HS-20 User Manual

Page 75: 9 – playlist mode

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9 – Playlist mode

Saving playlists

The current playlist is saved in the current folder (loaded folder)

as a JPPA PPL file.


After editing a playlist, save it as necessary. If you do not

save a playlist after editing, all changes will be lost when,

for example, you load another playlist, remove the selected

card, or turn off the unit.
An “*” appears in the file name or title name button when

editing has occurred that has not been saved yet. When

an “*” is shown, a pop-up message asking if you want to

save the playlist will appear when you try to do something

that would clear the edits, including when loading another

playlist, creating a new playlist and changing the operation


1. Press the HOME key on the front of the unit to open the

Home screen.

2 Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the SAVE button to start saving the playlist.

3. Press to start saving.

While saving, a progress status pop-up appears.
When saving completes, the pop-up disappears.


You can also save a playlist by touching the MENU button

on the ASSIGN file or ENTRY list screen to open a pull-up

menu and touching the SAVE button.

ENTRY list screen

ASSIGN File Screen

Naming a playlist and saving it

On the ENTRY List or ASSIGN File screen, after touching the

MENU button to open the pull-up, if you touch the SAVE AS

button instead of the SAVE button, you can name the playlist

before saving it.

1. Press the HOME key on the front of the unit to open the

Home screen.

2. Touch a file name or title name button to open a pull-down

menu and touch the SAVE AS button.

The PLAYLIST NAME screen where you can input new playlist

names opens.

3. Input the playlist name. Follow the procedures “Editing the

name of a folder in the root directory” on page 33.

4. Touch the Enter button on the PLAYLIST NAME screen or

press the DATA dial to save the playlist with this name.
While the file is being created, a progress status pop-up

When file creation completes, the pop-up disappears.


When a file with the input name already exists, a pop-up

window to confirm whether you want to overwrite the file is

Touch the OK button to overwrite that file, or touch the

CANCEL button to return to the PLAYLIST NAME screen.
Touch the OK button to overwrite that file, or touch the

CANCEL button to return to the PLAYLIST NAME screen.


You can also name and save a playlist by touching the

MENU button on the ASSIGN file or ENTRY list screen to open

a pull-up menu, and touch the SAVE AS button.