Setting input monitoring, Playback control in take mode, Using the call function in playlist mode – Teac HS-20 User Manual

Page 58: Using the flash start function in take mode, 8 – take mode

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8 – Take mode

4. Touch the MENU button in the take selection screen to open

the pull-up menu.

5. Touch the LOAD button in the pull-up menu.
6. When a confirmation message pop-up appears, touch the

OK button or press the DATA dial.

After loading completes, the Home Screen opens and

playback will be paused at the start of the loaded take.


You can also press the e button for a take to load it.
In this case, no pop-up window appears, and the take

selection screen remains open after loading (the Home

screen does not reopen.)


If the recording sampling frequency setting and the

playback file sampling frequency are different, the

following pop-up will appear while the unit switches to the

playback file sampling frequency.

Setting input monitoring

Turn input monitoring off during playback.
If input monitoring is on, sound from the input connectors will

be output through all the output connectors of this unit.

1. Touch the INPUT MONITOR button on the Home Screen to

open a pull-up with the input monitoring ON/OFF buttons.

2. If input monitoring is on (ON button blue), touch the OFF

button to turn it off (OFF button blue).

Playback control in take mode

Press the PLAY key to start playback.
Press the PAUSE key to start playback standby.
Press the PLAY key to end recording standby.
Press the STOP key to stop playback.
Press the . [MARK.] key or // [MARK/] key to

switch takes.
Press and hold the m [

] key or , [

] key to search

backward or forward.
Press the . [MARK.] or / [MARK/] key while

pressing and holding the SHIFT key to move between marks.
Press and hold the m [

] key or , [

] key while

pressing and holding the SHIFT key to search at high-speed.


On the PLAY SETUP screen, you can set whether only the

currently selected take is played or whether all the takes

within the current folder are played. You can also enable

and disable repeat playback. (See “Playback settings (PLAY

SETUP)” on page 80.)

Playback functions can also be controlled through through

the PARALLEL connectors.

Using the call function in playlist mode

Press the CALL [CHASE] key to locate to the point where

playback was last started from playback standby (call point) and

put the unit in playback standby mode.

Using the flash start function in take mode

Using a TASCAM RC-HS20PD (sold separately) or other remote

controller, flash start playback is possible.
For details, see “Flash start function” on page 109.