Uploading takes to an ftp server, Deleting a take, Uploading takes to an ftp server deleting a take – Teac HS-20 User Manual

Page 60: 8 – take mode

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8 – Take mode

3. Touch the EXPORT button on the pull-up menu to open the

following pop-up window. Touch the OK button or press the

DATA dial to export the selected take.
Touch the CANCEL button on the pop-up window to return

to the take list screen.


If the target destination is empty (does not have a current

folder), the same folder structure as the source folder is

created there automatically during the export.

If the target destination contains a file with the same name,

a pop-up window stating “Selected Take Already exist in

Export destination.” appears and exporting does not occur.

When the total size of the EXPORT file exceeds the free space

in the export destination, a pop-up window stating “Cannot

EXPORT. Not enough space on xxx”* is shown before the

export starts, and exporting does not occur.

*xxx: SD/CF card(export destination media name)

Uploading takes to an FTP server

This unit can upload takes to a designated folder on the FTP

server set on the FTP page of the REMOTE SETUP screen.

1. Select a take you want to upload on the take selection


2. Touch the MENU button on the take selection screen to

open the pull-up menu.

3. Touch the UPLOAD to FTP button on the pull-up menu to

open a confirmation pop-up window. Touch the OK button

or press the DATA dial to upload the selected take.
Touch the CANCEL button on the pop-up window to return

to the take list screen.


The file icon for a take that has been successfully uploaded
is shown like this:


The file icon for a take that has failed to upload is shown like


Deleting a take

1. Select the take that you want to delete on the take selection


2. Touch the MENU button on the take selection screen to

open the pull-up menu.

Take selection screen with pull-up menu open

3. Touch the DELETE button on the pull-up menu.
4. Touch the OK button or press the DATA dial when the confir-

mation message is displayed on the pop-up window.

Confirmation message screen

5 Touch the OK button or press the DATA dial when the recon-

firmation message is displayed on the pop-up window.

Reconfirmation message screen

During deletion, a progress bar is shown in a pop-up

When deleting completes, the pop-up window will



You can delete a take already in use in the timeline mode or

playlist mode.
If you delete such a folder/file, an error pop-up appears

when you attempt to play the corresponding region/entry.