11 – mark and locate functions, Mark functions, Adding marks – Teac HS-20 User Manual

Page 105: Using keys to locate to marks, Mark list screen, Ee “mark functions

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11 – Mark and locate functions

Mark functions

Adding marks

Use the following methods to create marks.
One timeline mode or one take can have a maximum of 99

marks, including automatically-created marks.


Push the MARK key on the front panel.

Press the MARK key to add a mark at that playback/

recording time. In timeline mode, marks are only added to

the timeline. They are not added to files.
Mark names are in the format “MARK XX”.


Use the auto mark function

When the auto mark function is ON, marks can be added when

prerecording starts, recording starts and ends, when audio overs

occur, at regular time intervals and when synchronization errors

occur. (See “OPTIONS page” on page 80.)
In timeline mode, marks are added to the timeline and file itself.
Marks are named according to how they were made as follows.

When auto mark made

Mark name

At audio over


At time interval


At synchronization error



The following auto marks are only added to the file (take),

and will not appear in the timeline in timeline mode.

When auto mark made

Mark name

Recording start point

REC xx

Recording end point

END xx

Pre-recording start point

PRE xx


Audio Overs occur when the level exceeds the maximum

level (full scale) minus the value set by the user.
(In the example above, this would be when the level exceeds

the maximum level minus 0.20 dB.)

If a mark is triggered using parallel control, a mark is added

in the same manner as if the MARK key had been pushed.

When an Audio Over or Synchronization Error auto mark is

added, another event of the same type will not cause a mark

to be added until at least 10 seconds have passed.

Using keys to locate to marks

Press the . [MARK .] or / [MARK /] key while

pressing and holding the SHIFT key to locate to the previous or

next mark.


If MARK SKIP +/− is input using parallel control, the unit will

locate to the next or previous mark.

Mark list screen

Touch the Mark List button on the Home Screen to open the

MARK LIST screen.

NAME buttons

Touch to sort by mark name in descending or ascending

When the mark names are sorted in ascending order, the r

icon appears inside the NAME button. When in descending

order, the s icon appears inside this button.

TIME buttons

Touch to sort marks by time in descending or ascending

When they are sorted by time in ascending order, the r icon

appears inside the TIME button. When in descending order,

the s icon appears inside this button.

Mark name buttons

Touch to select a mark.


) buttons

Touch one of these to locate to the corresponding mark.

LIST INFO button

Touch this to see a list of the number of marks by type in the

currently selected take.

EDIT NAME button

Touch this button to open the MARK NAME screen where

you can edit the name of the selected mark.

EDIT TIME button

Touch this button to open the MARK EDIT screen where you

can edit the position of the selected mark.


Use this to enable the selection of multiple marks.

DELETE button

Touch this button to erase the selected mark.

Scroll buttons

Use these buttons to scroll to the beginning or end of the

mark list or scroll one page (five lines) forward or backward.

You can also scroll through the mark list one line at a time

using the DATA dial.