14 – loading files recorded on another device, Preparation before importing, Using imported files on this unit – Teac HS-20 User Manual

Page 112: 14 – loading files recorded on another, Device

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This unit can import and play audio files that meet the following

In addition, files created by other TASCAM HS series units can be

played back as is if they meet the following conditions:

File format:


Sampling frequency:


Quantization bit depth: 16/24 bits

Number of tracks:

2 or less


If you play a file with a different sampling frequency, the

sampling frequency of the unit will be changed automati-

cally. This will take about 1 to 3 seconds, so we recommend

preparing files with the same sampling frequency whenever


Preparation before importing

Use this unit to format media that will be used for the first

time with it. Media formatted by this unit will be optimized to

improve performance with it.
If media that has been formatted by a computer or another

device is used with this unit, its operation might be affected.

1. Insert the media into the corresponding card slot of the unit.
2. To format media, follow the procedures in “Formatting SD/

CF cards” on page 27.

3. After confirming that the indicator for the slot with the

media is not blinking rapidly, eject the media.


When you format media with this unit,"HS Files" and

"Audio001" folders will be created automatically in the root


4. Insert that media into the media slot of a computer, for

If this media was formatted by this unit, it will be recognized

by the computer as a drive named "HS-20".
In this example, "HS-20" is used as the drive name.

5. Copy audio files that you want to import into the “Audio001”

folder inside the “HS Files” folder, which is on the HS-20.


Do not eject the media while data is being written to it.

Doing so could damage data on the media and even make

the data unreadable.
For details, please see the manuals for your computer, card

reader or other device being used for this purpose.

6. After writing is complete, remove the media from the media

slot of the computer or other device.

Using imported files on this unit

1. Insert the media with the copied files into this unit’s card


2. Press the FILE LIST key on the front of the unit to open the

take selection screen. Confirm that the audio files written to

the HS Files/Audio001 folder are recognized as takes.

3. You can play a file by assigning it to the timeline using the

timeline mode editing function, by playing it in take mode,

or by adding it to a playlist and playing it back in playlist

See “7 – Timeline mode” on page 39 for the timeline mode

editing function, see “Recording in take mode” on page 57

for details about take mode playback and see “9 – Playlist

mode” on page 65 for details about playlist mode.

14 – Loading files recorded on another device