Recording a stereo mix, Enabling dual recording, At different input levels (dual rec) – Teac DR-680MKII User Manual

Page 31: 4 – recording

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4 – Recording

Recording a stereo mix

With this unit, in addition to recording up to 6 discrete

tracks from the 6 inputs, these inputs can also be mixed

internally and recorded as a stereo track.
Before starting the following procedures, input selection

and level adjustment for each track should be completed,

and the Home Screen should be open.
1. Press the MIX LEVEL button to open the



2. On this screen you can adjust the mix levels of each

input channel and the recording level of the stereo

track. Use the channel number (1–6) and MIX [LOCK]

buttons to select the channels that you want to adjust.


Multiple channels can be linked and controlled at the

same time. (See “GANG function” on page 48.)

3. Use the VALUE/MARK knob to adjust each to a

suitable recording level in a range from 0–100 (default

value: 100).


Adjust the levels so that overload indicators do not

appear at the tops of the meters.

4. Next, press the MIX PAN button to open the



5. On this screen you can adjust the pan (stereo position)

of each channel. Use the channel number (1–6)

buttons to select the channel that you want to adjust.


Multiple channels can be linked and controlled at the

same time. (See “GANG function” on page 48.)

6. Use the VALUE/MARK knob to adjust each to a

suitable stereo position using values ranging from L10–

L1 (left) to C (center) and R1–R10 (right).
(Odd number channels are set to L10 and even number

channels are set to R10 by default.)


Adjust the pan settings of the channels so that the mix

is balanced as desired. You can check the balance with

the MIX meters at the far right.

7. When you have finished making the settings, press the

HOME/DISP button to return to the Home Screen.

Simultaneously recording two files

at different input levels (DUAL REC)

This recorder can simultaneously record a second

recording at a different input level along with the regular

recording. For example, when recording with microphones,

you can make an ordinary recording with the input level

set as high as possible and simultaneously record at a −12

dB lower input level for security.
Two recorded takes will be saved: one at the ordinary

recording input level and another with a −12dB input level.
MIC/LINE INPUTS 1/3/5 are the three input jacks that can

be used for dual recording with this unit.
The audio recorded at the ordinary level will use mixer

channels 1/3/5 and be recorded to tracks 1/3/5.
The audio recorded at the reduced level will use mixer

channels 2/4/6 and be recorded to tracks 1/3/5 of a

different take.


Files recorded when Dual Rec mode is selected will be

Mono files.

Make the input level setting for the ordinary recording

in the usual manner. (See “Adjusting the input levels”

on page 29.)

Enabling dual recording

1. Press the MENU button to open the


page of the



2. Use the DATA wheel to select the


item, and

press the ENTER/MARK button.

3. Use the DATA wheel to select one of the following

Options: OFF, ON (default)

4. Press the MARK (.) button to return to item

selection on the



5. Press the HOME/DISP button to return to the Home



Stereo file and 6ch file modes cannot be selected.

MS mode will be canceled.

GANG settings will be canceled.

When recording starts, soloing of channels 2/4/6 will

be canceled.