Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL User Manual
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Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL 2 User Manual
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Rev. 1.4
If an Auto Schedule is enabled within another Auto Schedule then its level (Site or Location) will be excluded from
influencing the high level’s Auto Schedule trigger conditions.
Local launch
If this is set and an Auto Schedule is triggered then the Auto Schedule can be displayed on the main screen of
PATGuard Elite SQL. The user will be given the option to display an Auto Schedule when opening a PATGuard
Elite SQL database for the first time after a schedule has been triggered. To switch off the Local Launch display
select Auto Schedule from the View drop down then un-tick Display.
Local launches are cumulative and dynamic in that the Local launch can include a number of Auto Schedules that
have triggered and as individual Auto Schedules are suspended or reset the Local launch will change, but it will
always show the current situation.
At any time, current triggered schedules can be displayed, printed or uploaded by selecting Auto Schedule from
the View drop down and then choose the appropriate command; Display, Print or Upload. Upload has a further
menu; Full or Visual these will only be enabled if a one or more Full or Visual Auto Schedule has triggered within
the database. Select either option to Upload.
For Upload of Assets across Sites all Asset Ids need to be unique. If this is not the case Upload will not be enabled.
Remote launch
If this is set and an Auto Schedule is triggered then the program will automatically send an email. When the
Remote launch check box is set the Configure Email button at the bottom of the dialog box will become active.
Email details must be configured if the Remote check box is set.
Trigger Conditions
These options will determine the conditions which will cause a schedule to trigger.
Figure 44: Trigger conditions dialog box
Use the Test type drop down to select Full tests only or Visual tests only.
The three radio buttons are mutually exclusive and determine the number of Assets that become overdue to initiate
the trigger. All overdue and Any overdue within period refer to all Assets at or below this level (unless a lower
level is excluded in which case its Assets will not be included).
Any overdue within Period enables a period to be projected ahead for the Any overdue setting. The default is
1Day. This means that all currently overdue Assets will be included in the Schedule. Other Period settings up to 60
days will include Assets that are not yet overdue but will be overdue in the Period to be included in the Schedule.
Selecting Percentage overdue will enable the percentage value to be entered giving the user better control over the
trigger condition.