Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL User Manual
Page 23

Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL 2 User Manual
- 21 -
Rev. 1.4
Figure 12: Options dialog box
Tester Output
The PAT Options tab enables you to use the Text fields on the PAT tester (if available) to capture extra
information for the Asset record.
The upper half the screen named Tester Output allows you to assign an individual line of a Text field to represent
a field in the Asset record. Information typed into these fields on the PAT tester appears in the designated field in
the Asset after download.
Text Line 1 has a default setting of Asset Description as Asset Description is set as a default in the Supernova Elite
/ Plus, Europa Plus and PrimeTest 300 / 350 testers. Only change these Text Line settings if a corresponding
change is made to the Comment Designator of these testers (see tester Instruction Manual). If the settings for
Tester Output are different to the Comment Designator settings in Supernova Elite / Plus and Europa Plus testers,
Comment Designator settings will take precedence. For other testers Text Line 1 should be changed as required.
If a field is set to Notes then information entered into the PAT tester will appear in the Test Result notepad.
The Site option is used for routeing the Test Result to the correct Site. The program will create new Sites if the Site
specified does not exist in the database. This setting will be ignored for SSS format data.
The Location can be used to route the Test Result to a Location within a Site. If the Location does not exist at the
specified Site then the program will create it. This setting will be ignored for SSS format data.
The other options apart from Asset Group are used to capture extra information for the Asset Details. Whatever is
in the Text line will appear in that particular Asset Details field that has been defined on this screen.
Once Asset Details fields have been populated then they cannot be amended by the download data. Subsequent
downloads can populate empty fields.
If the Asset Group option is set for a Text Line then the Text Line within the downloaded Test Result must contain
a registered Asset Group (or a Short Code which represents that Asset Group, see Short Codes).