Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL User Manual
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Seaward PATGuard Elite SQL 2 User Manual
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Rev. 1.4
If a particular Site or Location field is selected when the Replace… button is pressed the Column and Replace
fields will be pre-populated appropriately. Alternatively you can edit these manually. Select OK to confirm the
Use the Details… button to display the detailed results for the selected results line.
Figure 39: Test Details dialog
The Test Details are displayed according to Test Type, Result, Unit and Status. Test Results cannot be amended.
The Delete Result button will allow an individual result to be deleted. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
The Add Result button will add a new Test Result line. Use the drop down boxes to enter the Test type and
Status, then enter a Result. Alternatively, all fields can be entered or altered manually. Repeat the above for any
further tests.
Use the OK button to save any changes, leave this window and return to the main Download Preview window.
Use the Process button to process the data into the database currently open.
The Cancel button aborts the Preview and does not process the data into the database. For an SSS file that has
been previewed the file will remain unaltered.
Automatic Location Change
During a download if the test results indicate an Asset has changed Location a warning message is displayed to
accept or reject this and subsequent Location changes.
Duplicate Test Results
During a download if more than one Test Result with the same Asset ID and Site is detected a warning message is
displayed to determine if the second and subsequent Test Results are additional Test Results for the same Asset or a
duplicate test. Selecting Yes to the question Duplicate ? will cause the second Test Result to be re-routed to a
specially created holding Site to be deleted or amended by the user. Selecting No will cause the second Test Result
to be appended to the first Test Result’s Asset record.
View Last Download
It is possible to view only newly created or updated Assets from the last download (or ‘Opened’ i.e. processed
download file). From the View drop down select Last Download Only. Only Assets that were created or updated
from the last download will be displayed. This is so the downloaded data can be examined and corrected if