Port mirroring, Overview, Cli examples – D-Link UNIFIED WIRED & WIRELESS ACCESS SYSTEM DWS-3000 User Manual

Page 59: Example #1: set up a port mirroring session, 8 port mirroring

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Port Mirroring

This section describes the Port Mirroring feature, which can serve as a diagnostic tool,
debugging tool, or means of fending off attacks.


Port mirroring selects network traffic from specific ports for analysis by a network analyzer,
while allowing the same traffic to be switched to its destination. You can configure many
switch ports as source ports and one switch port as a destination port. You can also configure
how traffic is mirrored on a source port. Packets received on the source port, transmitted on a
port, or both received and transmitted, can be mirrored to the destination port.

CLI Examples

The following are examples of the commands used in the Port Mirroring feature.

Example #1: Set up a Port Mirroring Session

The following command sequence enables port mirroring and specifies a source and
destination ports.

(DWS-3024) #config

(DWS-3024) (Config)#monitor session 1 mode

(DWS-3024) (Config)#monitor session 1 source interface 0/7 ?

Press Enter to execute the command.

rx Monitor ingress packets only.

tx Monitor egress packets only.

(DWS-3024) (Config)#monitor session 1 source interface 0/7

(DWS-3024) (Config)#monitor session 1 destination interface 0/8

(DWS-3024) (Config)#exit