Using the eia-232 port – D-Link UNIFIED WIRED & WIRELESS ACCESS SYSTEM DWS-3000 User Manual
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Wired Configuration Guide
IP address of the default router, if the switch is a node outside the IP range of
the LAN
MAC Address
MAC address of the switch
When you connect the switch to the network for the first time after setting up the BootP or
DHCP server, it is configured with the information supplied above. The switch is ready for in-
band connectivity over the network.
If you do not use BootP or DHCP, access the switch through the EIA-232 port, and configure
the network information as described below.
Using the EIA-232 Port
You can use a locally or remotely attached terminal to configure in-band management through
the EIA-232 port.
1. To use a locally attached terminal, attach one end of a null-modem serial cable to the
EIA-232 port of the switch and the other end to the COM port of the terminal or worksta-
For remote attachment, attach one end of the serial cable to the EIA-232 port of the switch
and the other end to the modem.
2. Set up the terminal for VT100 terminal emulation.
A. Set the terminal ON.
B. Launch the VT100 application.
C. Configure the COM port as follows:
Set the data rate to 115,200 baud.
II. Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
III. Set the flow control to none.
IV. Select the proper mode under Properties.
V. Select Terminal keys.
3. The Log-in User prompt displays when the terminal interface initializes.
Enter an approved user name and password. The default is
for the user name and
the password is blank.
The switch is installed and loaded with the default configuration.
4. Reduce network traffic by turning off the Network Configuration Protocol. Enter the fol-
lowing command:
configure network protocol none
5. Set the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address by issue the following command:
config network parms
IP Address
Unique IP address for the switch. Each IP parameter is made up of four decimal num-
bers, ranging from 0 to 255. The default for all IP parameters is