1 processor update utility, 2 core processed speakers update utility, Processor update utility – Proel PRONET v.2.1 User Manual
Page 75: Core processed speakers update utility
Fig.99 Example of a PC260 device in Firmware Update Mode visualized in the Devices Tree View.
Processor Update Utility
The Firmware Update Mode for PC240/PC260 can be enabled in the setup menu of the remote device before
the PRONET connection. For these devices the update can be performed only by the USB cable; please, refer
to the User Manual for information about this feature and how to enable this mode.
If the connected device is in Firmware Update Mode, all the Edit Parameters are disabled and the firmware
update button is enabled to open the update panel.
Fig.100 Firmware update panel for processor devices.
Fig.101 Firmware update for Loudspeaker devices.
CORE PROCESSED speakers Update Utility
For CORE PROCESSED speakers a firmware update can be performed on one unit connected in a network
without disconnect it or without disconnect the other devices. Nevertheless, for a safer update we suggest to
close the edit panels or control panels of the other devices that don’t need to be updated.